Office Space Leasing

AXA Southside is a newly built office in Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong, by KHI Holdings Group. As to increase sales rapidly in just within half year, KHI Holdings believed they have to increase AXA Southside’s popularity significantly. KHI Holdings was used to promote traditionally on newspaper, such as Sing Tao Daily, Economics Times etc, with budget of a million HKD. Today, they made a breakthrough.
Google Display Network (GDN)
As to increase the popularity of AXA southside with limited budget, our digital team propose client to use GDN with agreed targeted (and retargeted) segments.
The ranking of search result of “AXA Southside” come up to the first from the pages of 3
All leasing are sold-out within half year
Website Traffic of AXA Southside increased more than 1,000 times